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Monday, February 24, 2003

This house has quiet rooms. Ray says it's haunted.
Tales of passion that stain the walls.
Thomas thinks it's haunted too!
They aren't the only two who do...
I don't know. Aren't they all?
It's hard to concentrate with "Z" faking orgasms.
It's the final countdown for the cd release of 'Dirty Thoughts'.
MUCH thanks out to the many kats who contributed trax
and WHATEVER else. We rock.
Climbing the limbs of the limbo tree~
she eats the sweetest honeybee...
In between places makes it difficult to manage "sites"
STARRSUCKA iz screaming for updates
and facelifts, but will have to live with a leak and a paragraph.
Such threads sew the second hand pants back together.
Queen Dee and the pope welcome their baby-son Avery
into our world.
MAMAGUROOVE has joined the net.
Please check them out. I've had the pleasure of working with these funky monkies
on their new album 'Fruit of the Groove'.
With calls on hold and life in boxes~
she calls me up to say, "Hi......"

Tuesday, February 18, 2003

Talk about ranter.
Rollin around in the rat shit.
It's true, I ate my nemesis.
The old house swallowed me whole.
We are all sooo full of it.
A pat on the back for making it down to the gallery.
Echo'z of war...
Art that persists like awakening the identity.
Old fires that need rekindling.
Suspician hogging up the noisy rooms.
In the silence of the oum--
in between breaths...one last nights rest
as I know not where to go...
I ride life like the wave that builds and flows
keeping steady on my toes.
Love makes me bold as stories unfold.
I want to run away from it but my heart will not allow it.
Like life incognito I don't recognize deaths face,
even though it has led me to this place--
standing right next to her.
My hands still tremble and heart still pounds~
but as the last plane flies out I know she'll be on it.
Here's looking at you kid.

Saturday, February 15, 2003

Saint.Valentine aims loves arrow with drunken eye--
funny thing happened--that arrow circled 'round
but passed me by. The keen eye wore a stye,
guess I wasn't keeping it clean enough inside...

MONKIES talk, and monkies walk~
skimming off the top seems a popular theme.
Looping bitch screaming at you through door
is the latest UNDERGROUND #1 hit.
She's a bitch, BIG butt, I still love her.
The bad.Lt laughs in the background
as destinies claws creep into the skin.
Where to begin?
How about at the end; you made a list of the things
you "lost" and want replaced, well huny, here's mine:
To start off with number one, a fuckin' friend!
2. My little sista's ghettoblaster
3. Half of the duck's billz baby
4. Cost for COMPLETE clean-up of our garbage past!
( this includes fine hairs in the carpet, down to the rat-shit papa)
5. All the Skinny SKIMMin' off the top, wee buddies of the crop~
6. take your criticisms and shove it up your ass!
We both know whose work paid rent,bills & small time fun
for the starvin' duration of your stay at the run-down sanctuary.
We both also know how much EX-peerImental green
your grande efforts produced Tony.
So as you walk away thinkin I owe you,
or you did me sum kind of favor--
I want to remind you~
"Don't forget to take your dog"
-one of the best things about you!
according to my new digital scale~
the scales of JUSTICE have made their measure.
You are left owing, as am I.
You are no better nor worse--
just a sneakier skimmer-scammer-
teach me one oh great and wise one.
Gotcha girlfriend fool'd.
I drooled at the way your picture-perfect story
took it's toll. What do I much care?
i am like rock or roll--i roll with it baby~
look forward to our face to face,
especially now that logic and MATH have taken their place
into my life...as they should yours (think about it)
back trace~
enough about you let's talk about my valentine~
I have to find a way to get the message over to her NOW!
Wishin love as new and old lovers come together!
Pun definately intended. If you don't,
it just takes a bit of practise and COMMUNICATION.
Courtship you may ask?
Well, a kiss~ to remember...

I miss my sister, Rachel. She's the bomb--
and I'm really, very, sooo hungry!
Sure time to eat free range aborted chickens,
pig, potato, oranges
and coffee and/or wine~
Here's to the day of love.
I will cum bach soon, amen-
for NOW, let me eat.