Thursday, February 12, 2009
here we all are even if you're gone even if you're going there you are The truth sucks. Deal with it, or don't, no matter. One day they awoke to find the tree people had left. Roots and all! Where had they gone? The truth can hide, even be disguised... at worse, a silent epidemic. It's true I lied. Died a little inside. The truth stares like morbid curiousity. The truth glares like a jealous lover. The truth bares child like a mother. It took six pigs to fry the bacon. One lamb to lick the chops. Slaughtered for the masses- trees that wipe asses. where wiggly worms wait.... plants in pots~ The 'Silence of the Plants'. have their day and say: Have they forgotten the seas? super sonic *boom* waves~ With this hand I scratch the surface. Making up words like truth. Making cents of dollars. Press the prints & call it news. One starves & dies, another purges food. One westerner outweighs a family. One fat cat owns monopoly. still, go to jail do not pass go do not collect 200 dollars...
posted by Milli
at 2/12/2009 09:29:00 PM