Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Sneakers stop short of the curb. Screeching tires mark the road. The traffics horns shove you like a bully. Ringing like earworms the song saturates waves. Ringlets of red armed with freckles. Dimples sigh. Nostrils whiff. A stutter of sound stammering out the door. Found it's way into words. A crease longing to unfold. Starchy laughter cracks a joke. Ancient olds dressed up as fashion. New trends a day old. Like freeflow not even the writer knows. Few knew what others went through. The wonderings of why. Keep the questions guessing answers. Curious like the waking day. Your body spent like the time wasted. Adding up in immeasurable large sums. Thoughts linger like the smell of a lover... cling like a spider to a wall. Laying big hands down. Going all in on a hunch. You drift through doubt and stumble upon conviction. A stubborn bull full of will and opinions. Windows sporting shutters. Boats afloat without a sail. Like the oceans waves asking the shores~ over and over... Overtop her heart calling WHY? A beautiful face to hide ugly lies. Ferviously flipping pages. Making time to hide behind her ring. Appraise the world with her perspective. The intellect flaunts it's density. Flirts with fire like a moth. Drowns like a fish thrown back in.
posted by Milli
at 3/16/2010 08:34:00 PM